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  Discovery of the world of folding paper
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From origami to the Art of Folding Paper
This sequence is composed of eight pages. It reviews some main stages of the Art of paper folding. Some important points are enlighted: the outbreak of diagrams, the discovery of box pleating, the introduction of tesselation techniques. It ends with the highlighting of the importance of mathematics for mastering paper folding.

At the end, a fun quiz allows you to review your expertise in folding paper.

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- if the name of the author is in blue, click on it in order to know everything about him or her.

Have a nice journey!
page 1 Some steps towards the mastering of paper folding
page 2 Diagrams
page 3 Crease patterns
page 4 Modelling
page 5 The mathematics of folding paper
page 6 Computer aided design
page 7 Some great names of paper folding
page 8 Copyright
page 9 Questionnaire about the steps from origami to the art of paper folding

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